UM_D_CLASS_VW - Class Session and Student Enrollment

This View was built for the Discoverer Tool which has been retired,  The view remains valid and is available for use. 
It includes Academic Class Scheduling and Enrollment Details from the Source Tables listed.

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PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

Source Tables

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Key Record.Fieldname Format Heading Text Source Tables
  ACAD_GROUP - Academic Group Char5 Acad Group CLASS_TBL
  ACAD_ORG - Academic Organization Char10 Acad Org CLASS_TBL
  ASSOCIATED_CLASS - Associated Class Num4.0 Assoc CLASS_TBL
  ATTEND_GENERATE - Generate Class Mtg Attendance Char1 Generate CLASS_TBL
  AUTO_ENROLL_SECT_1 - 1st Auto Enroll Section Char4 Auto Enrol CLASS_TBL
  AUTO_ENROLL_SECT_2 - 2nd Auto Enroll Section Char4 Auto Enr 2 CLASS_TBL
  CAMPUS - Campus Char5 Campus CLASS_TBL
  CANCEL_DT - Cancel Date Date Cancel Dt CLASS_TBL
  CATALOG_NBR - Catalog Nbr Char10 Catalog CLASS_TBL
  CLASS_NBR - Class Nbr Num5.0 Class Nbr CLASS_TBL
Key CLASS_SECTION - Class Section Char4 Section CLASS_TBL
  CLASS_STAT - Class Status Char1 Class Stat CLASS_TBL
  CLASS_TYPE - Class Type Char1 Class Type CLASS_TBL
  CNCL_IF_STUD_ENRLD - Cancel if Student Enrolled Char1 Cancel Enroll CLASS_TBL
  COMBINED_SECTION - Combined Section Char1 Comb Sect CLASS_TBL
  CONSENT - Type of Consent Required Char1 Consent CLASS_TBL
  CRS_TOPIC_ID - Course Topic ID Num3.0 Topic ID CLASS_TBL
Key CRSE_ID - Course ID Char6 Course ID CLASS_TBL
Key CRSE_OFFER_NBR - Course Offering Nbr Num2.0 Offer Nbr CLASS_TBL
  DESCR - Description - Course Descr Char30 Descr CLASS_TBL
  DYN_DT_CALC_REQ - Dynamic Date Calc Required Char1 Calc Reqd CLASS_TBL
  DYN_DT_INCLUDE - Include in Dynamic Date Calc Char1 Include CLASS_TBL
  END_DT - End Date Date End Date CLASS_TBL
  ENRL_CAP - Enrollment Capacity Num4.0 Cap Enrl CLASS_TBL
  ENRL_STAT - Enrollment Status Char1 Enrl Stat CLASS_TBL
  ENRL_TOT - Enrollment Total Num4.0 Tot Enrl CLASS_TBL
  EQUIV_CRSE_ID - Equivalent Course Group Char5 Equiv Crs CLASS_TBL
  EXAM_SEAT_SPACING - Exam Seat Spacing Num1.0 Exam Spcng CLASS_TBL
  FEES_EXIST - Fees Exist Flag Char1 Fees Exist CLASS_TBL
  INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5 Institution CLASS_TBL
  INSTRUCTION_MODE - Instruction Mode Char2 Mode CLASS_TBL
  LOCATION - Location Code Char10 Location CLASS_TBL
  MIN_ENRL - Minimum Enrollment Number Num4.0 Min Enrl CLASS_TBL
  NEXT_STDNT_POSITIN - Next Student Position Num8.0 Next Pos CLASS_TBL
  OVRD_CRSE_EQUIV_ID - Override Equivalent Course Char1 Override CLASS_TBL
  PRIM_INSTR_SECT - Primary Instructional Section Char4 Prim Sect CLASS_TBL
  PRINT_TOPIC - Print Topic in Schedule Char1 Print CLASS_TBL
  RESECTION - Resection to Section Char4 Resection CLASS_TBL
  ROOM_CAP_REQUEST - Requested Room Capacity Num4.0 Req Rm Cap CLASS_TBL
  SCHEDULE_PRINT - Schedule Print Char1 Sch Print CLASS_TBL
Key SESSION_CODE - Session Char3 Session CLASS_TBL
  SSR_COMPONENT - Course Component Char3 Component CLASS_TBL
  START_DT - Start Date Date Start Date CLASS_TBL
  STDNT_SPEC_PERM - Student Specific Permissions Char1 Stdnt Spec CLASS_TBL
Key STRM - Term Char4 Term CLASS_TBL
  SUBJECT - Subject Area Char8 Subject CLASS_TBL
  WAIT_CAP - Wait List Capacity Num4.0 Wait Cap CLASS_TBL
  WAIT_TOT - Wait List Total Num4.0 Wait Tot CLASS_TBL
  UM_ACAD_GRP_DESCR - Academic Group Descr Char30 Academic Group ACAD_GROUP_TBL
  UM_ACAD_ORG_DESCR - Acad Organization Descr Char30 Acad Org Dsecr ACAD_ORG_TBL
  TERM_DESCR30 - Term Char30 Term TERM_TBL
  TERM_BEGIN_DT - Term Begin Date Date Begin Date TERM_TBL
  TERM_END_DT - Term Ending Date Date End Date TERM_TBL
  SESS_BEGIN_DT - Session Beginning Date Date Begin Date SESSION_TBL
  SESS_END_DT - Session End Date Date End Date SESSION_TBL
  WEEKS_OF_INSTRUCT - Weeks of Instruction Num2.0 Instr Week SESSION_TBL
  UM_CAMPUS_DESCR - Campus Description Char30 Campus Descr CAMPUS_TBL
  SCTN_COMBINED_ID - Combined Sections ID Char4 Comb Sects ID SCTN_CMBND
  DESCR_2 - Derived Descr Char30 Der Des SCTN_CMBND_TBL