Instructions on how to access the Application Catalog for UMS owned and managed Windows computers and laptops
NOTE: If prior authorization or purchase of software needed has not been completed you will need to request authorization for the software/program in question. In your request ensure to add Campus and Department Codes.
You can find Application Catalog on a Windows PC by:
- going to your Start menu (Window icon bottom left of desktop)
- Scroll down until you see University Applications (Folder)
- Click to expand the folder
- You will see Application Catalog in the expanded view, click to open
- On the Applications tab you can search for the software/program you want to install
- As long as the software has been authorized for use, you can click the specified software icon to start the download and installation.
If you have an issue installing software from the UMS Application Catalog, see UMS Application Catalog for Employee/Staff (PC) - Software fails to install
University owned and managed Windows PC Desktop or Laptop machines