How to see which Shared Accounts you have access to charge to for printing


How a user can check which Shared Accounts they have access to for printing


In addition to printing using personal funds, University employees should have access to the papercut Shared Account's that are associated with their payroll source. They could also have access to accounts if they belong to an organization that has sponsored printing.

WARNING: The only accounts Employees will have access to are ones they also have payroll records for.  There is no way to alter or add additional accounts for Employees to select from.  Sponsored accounts will only be set up for departments who need to charge printing for Non-employees.


  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Log in with your UMS credentials
  3. Click Shared Accounts in the left navigation pane
  4. See the accounts you have access to in the main pane of the browser window
    • Note... the Balance figures are totals for all of the users of the shared account.
    • Shared account chartfields are in the format of Department - Fund Code - Program - Project - Operating Unit (when needed)
      • If segments are not needed they will be replaced with x's, for example:  1234567-00-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-820 is Department 1234567, Fund 00, Op Unit 820 with no program or project
      • All printing and copying will be charged to Account Code 60603 - Copying
  5. Under Recent Print Jobs, you can change the filter to a time range you are interested in, and export the results in a csv file if you are interested in your own charges.
    1. After changing the filter, click on the green spreadsheet icon at the bottom left hand part of the screen. 
  6. Shared Accounts that are inactive (disabled) may still show up for you here but will not be selectable for printing or copying.   They are grayed out.
WARNING: PaperCut shows funds spent for Shared Accounts (Department accounts).  Monthly reports are generally distributed via each campus CBO's office.


  • PaperCut MF
  • Managed Print Services (Enterprise)
  • Xerox

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Article ID: 139086
Mon 3/6/23 1:31 PM
Wed 1/10/24 9:27 AM
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