Credit Hour Reporting Information



WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This Article illustrates applying criteria to return accurate Student Enrollment


Written By Bill Gilfillan, 9/16/09 - theses instructions remain accurate

PeopleSoft has two primary tables for maintaining student data that is useful for reporting purposes. These two tables are STDNT_ENRL - Student Enrollment Table and STDNT_CAR_TERM - Student Career Term Table. The STDNT_ENRL table contains each of the classes for which a student is registered. The STDNT_CAR_TERM contains summary data about each student. 

In the course of testing our enrollment reports we noticed that the field UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS (credit hours) in STDNT_CAR_TERM contained a different number than the total of the field UNT_PRGRSS (credit hours) for each class in STDNT_ENRL. The difference seemed to be due to the classes from which students had withdrawn.

In ISIS we only counted credit hours for classes in which a student was actively enrolled. We did not count classes from which a student had withdrawn. This seemed to us to be a reasonable method and was followed for many years. Unless persuaded otherwise, it does not seem reasonable to begin counting credits in classes from which a student has withdrawn.

The reporting view that we created for reporting basic enrollment statistics is UM_STUD_EXT_VW. We have modified this view so that the field UM_UNT_TAK_PRG_RC contains the total of the credit hours in all classes for which a student is enrolled. Credit hours in withdrawn classes are excluded. This will ensure that the credit hours reported in UM_STUD_EXT_VW agree with the total of the credit hours for all classes for which a student is actively enrolled. The reporting view that we created for the reporting of enrollment for each class is UM_D_STD_ENR_VW.

When reporting against these views, the basic selection logic should be:

UM_STUD_EXT_VW - Student Reporting Extract

Row check = 'Y'
Acad Career <> 'NCRD'
Institution =
Use UM_UNT_TAK_PRG_RC for the total number of credit hours for a student for the term

UM_D_STD_ENR_VW - Student Enrollment Table

Stdnt Enrl Status = 'E'
AND (Earn Credit = 'Y'
OR (Units Attempted <> 'N' AND Audit Grade Basis = 'N'))
AND Enrl Drop Dt is null
AND Acad Career <> 'NCRD'
AND Institution =

Any reporting done against STDNT_CAR_TERM must be sensitive to the fact that the UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS contains credit hours for withdrawn classes and will not agree with official enrollment figures. For this reason, it would in general be better to use UM_STUD_EXT_VW.


  • Campus Solutions



Article ID: 158959
Fri 5/10/24 4:29 AM
Mon 8/19/24 12:15 PM
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