UM_D_STD_ENR_VW - Student Enrollment Table


WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This View includes student enrollment detail in each class by Institution and Term. 

Detailed Information

Data Systems

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

It is the view of UM_D_STD_ENRL table which is not available in Query Manager since this view (UM_D_STD_ENR_VW) contains the same fields as the UM_D_STD_ENRL table.
Most data is from STDNT_ENRL - Student Enrollment Table and CLASS_TBL - Class Table.
Currently, the data is refreshed daily from STRM=1930 and forward.

This view also contains the UM_INST_HOST field used for Cross-listed Course Reporting.

Use the following criteria with this table to define an active student:
Stdnt Enrl Status = 'E'
AND (Earn Credit = 'Y'
OR (Units Attempted <> 'N' AND Audit Grade Basis = 'N'))
AND Enrl Drop Dt is null
AND Acad Career <> 'NCRD'
AND Unt Prgrss > 0.00
AND Strm =
AND Institution =

Key Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Technical Notes
Key ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4   Career  
  ACAD_GROUP - Academic Group Char5   Acad Group  
  ACAD_ORG - Academic Organization Char10   Acad Org  
  ACAD_PROG - Academic Program Char5   Acad Prog  
  ASSOCIATED_CLASS - Associated Class Num4.0   Assoc  
  ASSOCIATION_99 - Association 99 Char1   Assoc 99  
  AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS - Audit Grading Basis Char1   Audit  
  CAMPUS - Campus Char5   Campus  
  CATALOG_NBR - Catalog Nbr Char10   Catalog

CATALOG_NBR field values begin with a space (eg. ' 101'), to insert a space between SUBJECT and CATALOG_NBR. (eg. 'ENG 101').

Key CLASS_NBR - Class Nbr Num5.0   Class Nbr  
Key CLASS_SECTION - Class Section Char4   Section  
  CLASS_STAT - Class Status Char1 N Class Stat  
  CLASS_TYPE - Class Type Char1 N Class Type  
  CRSE_CAREER - Course Career Char4   Course Car  
  CRSE_COUNT - Course Count Num3.2   Crse Count  
  CRSE_GRADE_INPUT - Grade Input Char3   Grade In  
  CRSE_GRADE_OFF - Official Grade Char3   Grade  
Key CRSE_ID - Course ID Char6   Course ID  
Key CRSE_OFFER_NBR - Course Offering Nbr Num2.0   Offer Nbr  
  DESCR - Description Char30   Descr  
  DESCR_LOCATION - Location Description Char30   Description


  DROP_CLASS_IF_ENRL - Drop This Class if Enrolled Num5.0   Drop if Enroll  
  DYN_CLASS_NBR - Dynamic Class Nbr Num5.0   Dyn Class Nbr  
  EARN_CREDIT - Earn Credit Char1   EarnCredit  
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID This is student's EMPLID from STDNT_ENRL.
  ENRL_ACTION_LAST - Last Enrollment Action Char2   Last Act  
  ENRL_ACTN_PRC_LAST - Last Enrollment Action Process Char2   Process  
  ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST - Last Enrl Action Reason Char4   Reason  
  ENRL_ADD_DT - Enrollment Add Date Date   Add Dt  
  ENRL_CAP - Enrollment Capacity Num4.0   Cap Enrl  
  ENRL_DROP_DT - Enrollment Drop Date Date   Drop Dt  
  ENRL_REQ_SOURCE - Enrollment Request Source Char2 N Source  
  ENRL_STAT - Enrollment Status Char1 N Enrl Stat When students dropped after add/drop date, the status remains "E". Look at ENRL_DROP_DT and ENRL_STATUS_REASON.
  ENRL_STATUS_REASON - Enrollment Status Reason Char4 N Reason  
  FIRST_NAME - First Name Char30   First Name This is instructor's name from PERSONAL_DATA where the EMPLID on PERSONAL_DATA = INSTRUCTOR_ID.
  GRADE_CATEGORY - Grade Category Char4 N Grade Category  
  GRADE_DT - Grade Date Date   Grade Dt  
  GRADE_POINTS - Grade Points Num7.3   Grd Points  
  GRADE_POINTS_FA - Financial Aid Grade Points Num7.3   FA Grd Pt  
  GRADING_BASIS_DT - Grading Basis Date Date   Basis Dt  
  GRADING_BASIS_ENRL - Grading Basis Char3   Grade Base  
  GRADING_SCHEME_ENR - Field is not active yet Char3   Field not activ  
  GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT - Grade Points Per Unit Num7.3   Grd Pt/Unt  
  INCLUDE_IN_GPA - Include in GPA Char1   Incl GPA  
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5   Institution  
  INSTRUCTION_MODE - Instruction Mode Char2   Mode  
  INSTRUCTOR_ID - Instructor ID Char11   Instructor EMPLID from CLASS_INSTR table where MIN(INSTR_ROLE || INSTR_ASSIGN_SEQ) .
  LAST_DROP_DT_STMP - Last Drop Date Stamp Date   Last Drop Date  
  LAST_DROP_TM_STMP - Last Drop Time Stamp Time   Last Drop Time  
  LAST_ENRL_DT_STMP - Last Enrollment Date Stamp Date   Last Enrl Date  
  LAST_ENRL_TM_STMP - Last Enrollment Time Stamp Time   Last Enrl Time  
  LAST_NAME - Last Name Char30   Last This is instructor's name from PERSONAL_DATA where the EMPLID on PERSONAL_DATA = INSTRUCTOR_ID.
  LAST_UPD_DT_STMP - Last Update Date Stamp Date   Last Upd Date  
  LAST_UPD_ENREQ_SRC - Enrollment Request Source Char2 N Source  
  LAST_UPD_TM_STMP - Last Update Time Stamp Time   Last Upd Time  
  LOCATION - Location Code Char10   Location  
  MANDATORY_GRD_BAS - Mandatory Grading Basis Char1   Mandatory  
  MIDDLE_NAME - Middle Name Char30   Middle This is instructor's name from PERSONAL_DATA where the EMPLID on PERSONAL_DATA = INSTRUCTOR_ID.
  NAME_PREFIX - Name Prefix Char4   Prefix This is instructor's name from PERSONAL_DATA where the EMPLID on PERSONAL_DATA = INSTRUCTOR_ID.
  NAME_SUFFIX - Name Suffix Char15   Suffix This is instructor's name from PERSONAL_DATA where the EMPLID on PERSONAL_DATA = INSTRUCTOR_ID.
  NOTIFY_STDNT_CHNG - Notify Student of Change Char2 N Notify Student  
  OVRD_GRADING_BASIS - Override Grading Basis Char1   Grading Basis  
  RELATE_CLASS_NBR_1 - Field is not active yet Num5.0   Field not activ  
  RELATE_CLASS_NBR_2 - Field is not active yet Num5.0   Field not activ  
  REPEAT_CANDIDATE - Repeat Candidate Flag Char1   Rpt Candidat  
  REPEAT_CODE - Repeat Code Char4   Repeat  
  REPEAT_DT - Repeat Date Date   Repeat Dt  
  SCTN_COMBINED_ID - Combined Sections ID Char4   Comb Sects ID from SCTN_CMBND table
Code Descr 
    B - Both
    C - Cross Subject
    W - Within Subject
  SEL_GROUP - Tuition Group Char10   Group  
  SESSION_CODE - Session Char3 N Session  
  SSR_COMPONENT - Course Component Char3 N Component The translation is on psxlatitem. (fieldname ='SSR_COMPONENT')
  STATUS_DT - Status Date Date   Stat Dt  
  STDNT_ENRL_STATUS - Student Enrollment Status Char2 N Status  
  STDNT_SPEC_PERM - Student Specific Permissions Char1   Stdnt Spec  
Key STRM - Term Char4   Term  
  SUBJECT - Subject Area Char8   Subject  
  TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS - Transcript Note Exists Flag Char1   Tscrpt Ex  
  TSCRPT_NOTE_ID - Transcript Note ID Char4   Note ID  
  UM_ACAD_ORG_DESCR - Academic Organization Descript Char30   Acad Org Dsecr


  UM_CENTER_CD - Center Code Char4   Center Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_CENTER_DESCR - Center Description Char25   Center Descr

Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code

  UM_CLASS_LEVEL - Class Level Char1   Class Level  
  UM_DISTANCE_FLAG - Distance Flag Char2   Distance Flag

from UM_D_STD_ENRL. 
Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current  for the code

  UM_DIST_ATTR_FLAG - Distance Attribute Flag Char2 N Dist Attr Flag Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_DIST_ATTR_F_DSC - Dist Attr Flag Description Char30   Dist Attr F Dsc Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_DIST_CLASS - Distance Class Char10   Distance Class Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_DIST_FLG_DESCR - Distribution Flag Description Char30   Dist Flg Descr Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_IMODE - Imode Char10   Imode Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_IMODE_DESCR - Instruction Mode Description Char30   IMODE Descr  
  UM_INSTRUCTOR_NAME - Instructor Name Char50   Instructor Name  

UM_INST_HOST - UM Host Institution - (Added on September 2019)

Char5   Host Inst Created for reporting cross-listed course. Definitions, fields, and field values.
  UM_INST_SHORT - Institution Short Char5   Inst Short Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_IPEDS_DIST_CLSS - IPEDS Distribution Class Char30   IPEDS Dist Clss  
  UM_LOCATION_DESCR - Location Description Char30   Location Descr Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_REGION - Region Char30   Region Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_SITE_CATEGORY - Site Category Char20   Site Category Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_STDNT_ENRL_STAT - Student Enroll Stat Decoded Char30   Stud Enr Stat  
  UM_UNIV_CENTER_DSC - University Center Description Char30   Univ Center Dsc Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UM_UNIV_CENTER_FLG - University Center Flag Char1   Univ Center Flg Please see Distance Education Course Coding - Current for the code
  UNITS_ACAD_PROG - Academic Progress Units Num4.2   Prgrss Unt from CRSE_CATALOG table
  UNITS_ATTEMPTED - Units Attempted Char1 N Units Att  
  UNITS_MAXIMUM - Maximum Units Num4.2   Max Units from CRSE_CATALOG table
  UNITS_MINIMUM - Minimum Units Num4.2   Min Units from CRSE_CATALOG table
  UNT_BILLING - Billing Units Num4.2   Bill Units  
  UNT_EARNED - Units Earned Num4.2   Units  
  UNT_PRGRSS - Units Taken-Academic Progress Num4.2   Progress  
  UNT_PRGRSS_FA - Units Taken-Fin Aid Progress Num4.2   FA Progress  
  UNT_TAKEN - Units Taken SNm5.2   Unit Taken  
  VALID_ATTEMPT - Valid Attempted Grade Char1   Valid Attempt  
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Article ID: 158875
Fri 5/10/24 4:27 AM
Mon 8/19/24 11:01 AM
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