Handling Retroactive Withdrawals in Cohort Table


This document details the steps for handling retroactive withdrawals in Cohort Tables.


The increasing number of retroactive withdrawal students has been affecting the retention and graduation rates. This document details the steps for handling retroactive withdrawals in Cohort Tables.

Detailed Information

Table of Contents

Revising cohort in the UM_STDNT_COHORT Table can be done and used to track the retroactive withdrawal students. No revisions will not be allowed after one year.

INFO: A user must have either the S_SR_COHORT_SUPERUSER or S_SR_SUPERUSER security role to manage this data.

Step One: Create a new UM_COHORT_CODE - RETROWDL

This step is only for the first time. If the code was already created skip to Step #2.

  1. Log in to CSPRD: Navigator> University of Maine System > Set Up UMS > Records and Enrollment > Cohort Table.
  2. Search Values. Make sure "RETROWDL" code has NOT been created.
    Showing the search screen with results to check that the cohort code of RETROWDL has not been created.
  3. Click Add a New Value. Enter an Institution, Academic Career, and Cohort Code. Click Add. 
    showing the location of the add a new value button and the academic institution, career and cohort code completed.
  4. Enter an Effective Date of 01/01/1901. Enter a Short Description and a Description. (Leave the last box blank)  Click Save. 
    Showing the cohort detail screen properly filled out with effective date, short description, and description.
  5. The new code should be saved on UM_COHORT_TBL table.

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Step Two: Add the student to the retroactive withdrawal cohort manually

If you are using csv file upload, go to Step #3.

  1. Log in to MaineStreet CSPRD and go to: University of Maine System > Records and Enrollment > Add/Maintain Student Cohort. 
  2. Click Add a New Value. Enter an EMPLID, Institution, Career, and Cohort Code. The Cohort Code should be 'RETROWDL'. Click Add. 
    showing the screen to add a student to a cohort with empl ID, Academic Institution, Academic Career, and Cohort Code completed.
    The program checks EMPLID when RETROWDL cohort code is used. If the EMPLID is not on the STDNT_ENRL table, it will give you an error. No other checks have been applied.

showing the screen to enter the effective date, cohort term, cohort type, and checking the manual override box for an individual student.

  1. Enter an Effective Date.
  2. Check the Manual Override checkbox. Doing so indicates that this data was entered manually as opposed to having been entered via the batch process.
  3. Enter the Cohort Term. The terms available is associated with STDNT_ENRL table. When the record is not found for the term, you cannot enter the term.
  4. Enter Cohort Type.
  5. The ID of the user adding the data is captured along with the date of the action.
  6. Click 'Save'. The data should be saved on the UM_STDNT_COHORT Table.

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Step Three: Add the student to the retroactive withdrawal cohort using file upload

  1. Create a csv file with EMPLID, Cohort term, and Cohort Type.
WARNING: Please make sure the accuracy of the data on the file as there is no data validation besides EMPLID on this process.
  1. Log in to MaineStreet CSPRD and go to Navigator > University of Maine System > Records and Enrollment > Batch Processing > Assign Cohorts
  2. If you don’t have a Run Control ID, create one by clicking “Add a New Value”
  3. Select your institution & academic career. Cohort code should be “RETROWDL”. Pick “Add to Previous Data”.  Check the box for “Load from File”.  Attach file
    Showing the required fields needed to attach your own csv file for retroactive withdrawals. The required fields are listed above.
  4. Click "Run" on the top right corner. And then click "OK" on the next screen.
  5. Go to “Process Monitor” and wait till the Run Status changes to “Success” (You might need to click “Refresh” a few times.)
  6. The data should be saved on the UM_STDNT_COHORT Table.

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Step Four: Delete the student from the retention cohort

  1. Log in to MaineStreet CSPRD and go to: University of Maine System > Records and Enrollment > Add/Maintain Student Cohort. 
    - Find the student.
    - The cohort code should be "RETENTION".
    - Check the box for "Correct History" at the bottom 
    Showing what the add/maintain student cohort screen looks like. It shows the ID, Academic Institution, and Cohort Code (RETENTION) with data in the fields.
  2. Click the delete icon
    Shows the delete button is at the upper right side of the Cohort Information section.
  3. Click "Save"

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Step Five: Check data

  1. Check the number of students in the UM_STDNT_COHORT Table by UM_COHORT_TYPE.

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  • Campus Solutions/MaineStreet  CSPRD



Article ID: 159020
Fri 5/10/24 4:31 AM
Thu 10/31/24 2:01 PM
Applies To

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