Zoom on ChromeOS

A brief overview of the Zoom web client and Zoom Progressive Web App (Zoom PWA) for the UMS Student, Staff, and Faculty communities.

To see differences in functionality between the Zoom web client and Zoom PWA, as well as Zoom features available on other platforms, see Desktop client, mobile app, web client, and PWA comparison.


  • When joining a meeting through a web link using the Zoom PWA,
    1. Select "Join via the Zoom for Chrome PWA" to launch the Zoom PWA, which offers slightly more features than the web client.
    2. If the Zoom PWA is not yet installed, you will be asked if you'd like to install it. Doing so will allow create an app icon in your shelf and app drawer.
    3. Your meeting will launch in another window.
      • Launching the Zoom PWA from your app drawer will show a UI similar to that of the native desktop applications on Windows or MacOS.
        • From this UI, you can join / host meetings, schedule future meetings, import your calendar to show upcoming meetings, and collaborate on Zoom Whiteboards.
  • When joining a meeting through a web link using the Zoom web client, which offers slightly less features than the Zoom PWA,
    • Select "Having issues with Zoom Client? Join from Your Browser" to access your meeting from a browser tab.
  • Environment

  • ChromeOS
  • Zoom



Article ID: 138647
Mon 5/2/22 5:10 PM
Tue 10/11/22 9:47 AM
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