How to tell if a folder or file is in OneDrive or if it is actually in SharePoint, but just linked to OneDrive

If you are having an issue with a file or folder in OneDrive, in order to get the fastest resolution of your issue, the Help Desk will need to know if the folder(s) or file(s) are in your OneDrive or if they are actually SharePoint folder(s) or file(s) that you have linked to your OneDrive for easy access. To check which is the case, follow the instructions below.

WARNING: This is important to know, since if someone shared something with you from their OneDrive and then they leave the University, those files get deleted from their OneDrive in the cloud 90 days after their account is deactivated.


  1. Log in to Onedrive online
  2. Click Shared from the left navigation pane, then the With you tab in the main pane.
  3. In the Search Box at the top of the main content pane, type the name of the folder or file and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. In the search results, find the folder or file and look at the info below the folder or file name.
    • It should list the SharePoint site name if it is in SharePoint and the Help Desk will need the rest of the information in that line. If the line below the folder or file name says <person's name>'s Files, then it is in OneDrive.
  5. Create the ticket for your issue and make sure to include the information you just gathered.


  • OneDrive and SharePoint


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