macOS Upgrades Blocked By IT

Tags MacOS eut Apple

Recently, users running older versions of macOS have tried to upgrade to macOS 12 (Monterey) and received a warning that the upgrade was blocked by USIT. This was due an issue with the scoping and has been resolved. Apple's macOS 12 has been approved and recommended for all users since January 2022. Users are encouraged to upgrade at their earliest convenience. If a user is still receiving the error message, they will need to force an inventory update via the UMS Application Catalog.

It is EUT policy to restrict the latest operating system at the time of release so that we may update applications, test features, and ensure IT staff have had adequate time to offer support for faculty and staff. At this time, macOS 12 is the recommended version for Apple desktops and laptops. MacOS 13 (Ventura) is slated for release this fall 2022, and macOS 10.15 will end support.


  1. Launch the UMS Application Catalog in the Applications folder.
  2. Search for Update Inventory Manually.
  3. Run policy.
  4. Try upgrade again.
    • If it fails again, reboot and try to upgrade again.
  5. If the alert still prompts, gather the serial number and submit a ticket to EUT.


  • macOS below v12