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A list of frequently asked questions and troubleshooting techniques for ums-managed devices with eduroam.
Updated info on the soon to be release macOS sequoia.
description of how users install adobe apps on university devices.
How to connect to the eduroam wireless network from a Mac.
How to workaround issue with macOS user-based EduRoam certs and lack of internet at login
How to print and what to expect on macOS with managed print services.
This article describes how to clear cache / cookies in multiple different browsers for both PC & Mac. Doing this can resolve browser issues such as being unable to login to the portal or other website. This can also help for non-UMS websites.
Instructions on how to access the Application Catalog/Software Center for UMS-owned and -managed Mac computers and laptops.
Describing jamf connect and how users will use their UMS email and password to log into workstations.
For Macs experiencing issues while using Kaltura Capture, including freezing, error messages, or being unable to stop a recording, sometimes altering the system settings is all that's needed.
Instructions on how to find the serial number for various computer models.
How to fix Office 365 license issue on macOS
How to activate or reapply the license for Office on a University-managed macOS
How to fix a paused print job to a Xerox printer
How to find your Computer's Hostname Windows or MacOS.