How to join the University Wi-Fi network Eduroam (Mac)

Users at University of Maine System campuses with “” email addresses can use the Eduroam (“eduroam” SSID) Wi-Fi service at University of Maine System Campuses, or when traveling to another participating institution.

Users from other institutions can use UMS campuses' Wi-Fi  with the credentials from their home institutions. Eduroam is federation of network authentication servers that allow users at participating institutions to access a WPA2 Enterprise encrypted (or “locked”) Wi-Fi network with a common name (the “eduroam” SSID). Eduroam is a global service, to see participating institutions please visit:

EduRoam United States Availability Map

EduRoam Global Availability Map

Instructions for how to connect to the EduRoam Wi-Fi network from a Mac computer are below. 


INFO: These instructions are for all Mac devices.

Connect to the network

  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar
  2. Select the "eduroam" network
    1. Do not select a certificate from the drop-down menu
  3. Enter your full email address for the account name
  4. Enter your UMS account password
  5. Click OK
  6. Click Continue when prompted
  7. Enter your local MacOS password
  8. Click Update Settings
  9. Click back on the Wi-Fi icon to confirm you are connected to the eduroam network
INFO: You can now use the eduroam SSID at UMS campuses or remote participating institutions globally for a period of up to 5 years.

Make eduroam your preferred wireless network

If you have previously connected to other wireless networks while on campus, you may need to set eduroam as your preferred wireless network.

  1. Click the Apple icon from the menu bar
  2. Select System Preferences
  3. Click Network
  4. Select Wi-Fi from the left menu
  5. Click the Advanced button
  6. Under the Wi-Fi tab, under Preferred Networks, drag eduroam to the top of the list.
    1. Optional: Remove other University networks (such as eduroam-setup, MaineEDU-Guest, tempest) by clicking on the network name then the minus button below.
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Apply
  9. Close the Network window


  • MacOS
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Article ID: 138801
Mon 8/22/22 3:37 PM
Wed 7/17/24 8:16 AM
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