When do my OneDrive files get deleted in the life-cycle of a OneDrive account?

The countdown to when a user's OneDrive files get deleted begins once their UAD account is disabled. 

Detailed Information  

  1. UMS OneDrive account disabled
  • When an account gets disabled (because a person left the University), data can still be shared with the data owner (using email other than UMS email) by an O365 Admin, so they can access and move it to a new location. If you are the data owner, create a ticket with the Help Desk.
INFO: How long before a UMS account gets disabled when a person leaves the University can vary greatly with the circumstances of their leaving (for a student, are they likely to be back?) and where they fall in the processing queue. In general, student OneDrives get deleted 1 year after their last for credit enrollment and staff it is usually soon after their last day.
  1. UMS OneDrive Account deleted
    • The OneDrive files for the account get deleted
    • It may be restored, if by a SharePoint admin if you submit a Ticket with the Help Desk prior to 90 days from when the account was first disabled.


  • OneDrive


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Article ID: 138820
Wed 8/31/22 11:37 AM
Mon 5/20/24 1:18 PM
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