Campus Brightspace Admin Term Setttings for Active/Start/End Dates

Below are the current settings for each campus for when courses are made "active" automatically by the Brightspace integration, and on what start date and end dates courses are set to for automatic access.   Local Campuses control these date selections which can be modified by their Brightspace Campus Administrators.

Detailed Information

IMPORTANT NOTE - For Brightspace Administrators: These values must be configured PRIOR to Course Creation in the Brightspace Admin Utility. This will ensure consistency across your Term & University courses. The Brightspace Admin Utility will NOT update existing course start/End Dates or Active Status dynamically after the courses have been created. Changing values will only change newly created courses for that University and Term(s) that are set for processing.


Active - A check box selection that enables a campus' courses to all be set to "active" in Brightspace based on the start/end dates.  Being checked with no additional start/end date settings yields a result of courses automatically becoming "active" based on the course MaineStreet Start/End Dates.

Start Date - Courses have a start date equal to the number of days to add/subtract from the MaineSstreet defined course start date.   A Zero value denotes no change.  If early access is desired place a negative value in this field (e.g. starting a course 1 week early would require a negative seven (-7) value.

End Date - Courses have an End date equal to the number of days to add/subtract from the MaineStreet-defined course start date.   A Zero value denotes no change.  If early access is desired place a negative value in this field (e.g. starting a course 1 week later would require a value of seven (7).

Current Settings (Last Updated 11/15/22)

Active= Yes.  Starts Date= -7  Ends= 15

Active= No.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 0

Active= No.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 0

Active= No.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 0

Active= No.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 13

Active= No.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 0

Active= Yes.  Starts Date= 0  Ends= 0


  • Brightspace

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Article ID: 138894
Tue 11/15/22 8:59 AM
Thu 1/5/23 9:56 AM
Applies To