Brightspace is the learning management system for the University of Maine System, used to facilitate and augment teaching and learning needs throughout the system. Brightspace can be used to deliver content for online-only courses or to augment and supplement instruction in face-to-face or hybrid instruction models.
Changing a User's Name in Brightspace
Brightspace has a mobile app called "Pulse." Pulse is a utility app that complements notifications from Brightspace. It is NOT an app that users use to complete coursework.
Quick faculty user guide for using the Academic Video Online database integration to search and embed videos or links to videos from this library database into Brightspace courses.
A student is not enrolled in a Brightspace course and needs access.
How students can find the content for their course.
Directions on how to locate and access the Climate Change Consortium's organization in Brightspace.
Information on how to add announcements to a course
Professors of a Brightspace course may wish to add users to their class without having them appear in Mainestreet. Most users are imported via the Mainestreet classlist, but professors have a limited capacity to add users with email addresses to their course(s) if desired.
An overview of using a "Preview Learner" in a course for design review by faculty.
Brightspace will prompt a user to upgrade their browser if it is retro/legacy or unsupported.
In Brightspace embedded content such as slideshows or PDFs, a unique visual error may occur which causes pages or slides to overlap. This article outlines the fix for that issue/
A quick reference for the process of importing your brightspace grades into Mainestreet.
When a student or faculty uploads a JPEG file anywhere on the Brightspace website, they may receive a message that says "File May Contain Geolocation Details." That message might make a user worry for their security or safety.
This article provides any student training resources that are available for students in Brightspace.
If the Zoom navbar link in Brightspace generates and error 500 message please follow these steps to resolve it.
Faculty members may wonder how to add or edit availability and due dates for Brightspace Content. Wonder no more!
This article provides a graphical walk-through for Faculty and Instructional Design Staff for creating Brightspace Intelligent Agents, to monitor new course enrollments.
Instructions for updating personal pronouns in Brightspace LMS.
Documentation of the current settings for each campus for when courses are made "active" automatically by the Brightspace integration, and on what start date and end dates courses are set to for automatic access. Local Campuses control these date selections which can be modified by their Brightspace Campus Administrators.
Math Placement Exams are hosted in Brightspace by the USM Campus, this article provides some details.
How a student can log in to Brightspace.
Info to assist when a student may have an issue locating an assignment.
A brief guide to the basic process for copying a course in Brightspace to another course.
An article to collect resources for common issues students confront with the Discussion Board tool in Brightspace.
Overview of the discussion board feature of "post before you can view threads" for faculty.
How to search for a course offering in Brightspace.
The most common reason for not being able to attach google docs or items from google drive to your Brightspace Course assignments is the lack of account linking. This article guides you through the process of linking your google account to Brightspace.
Details of how to locate grades in Brightspace.
Information for Faculty on adding new learners to the class.
Instructions for faculty on how to make a Brightspace course active or inactive.
How to turn off Notifications in BrightSpace.
Information for missing courses in Brightspace.
A student calls and wants to know how to have a course removed from their Brightspace account.
Information on how to handle a student quiz reset request. Students should contact their faculty member for this process.
How to sync your Brightspace calendar to your Google Calendar
Kaltura Capture - Using Kaltura Capture for Brightspace and personal recordings. How to download and access Kaltura. Instructions and walk through for how to record and upload your Kaltura recordings. Detailed step by step instructions and documentations.
Turnitin Draft Coach guides students from the first to the final draft of their assignment using our similarity, citation, and grammar-checking tools. This document provides instructions for users to configure Turnitin Draft Coach with Google Docs.
General guidance for when videos that are hosted on Kaltura do not play in Brightspace or other platforms.