TeamDynamix Ticket vs Project Feature Comparison

Ticketing and Projects tools in TeamDynamix  can both be used to fulfill similar business needs and outcomes. Selecting the right tool for the business need can be enhanced by understanding some of the subtle differences between these tools.

Detailed Information

Function/Feature Tickets Projects
Track tasks Yes Yes
Assign tasks to groups Yes No
Assign tasks people Yes Yes
Link tasks to other tasks Yes, by linking tickets, or using task templates/workflows Only in Waterfall plans, not in Card Walls
Forecast time and resource availability TBD TBD
Limit visibility of some tasks to specific clients Yes No, anyone with access to the project will see all tasks
Apply a predefined simple sets of tasks to an activity Yes, using task templates No
Apply a predefined complex sets of tasks, approvals, notifications, etc., with flow logic, to activities Yes, using Workflows No
Update tasks Yes, requires TDNext access Yes, with TDNext access or from the TDX portal (Requires the person to be a project resource and either be a project manager or be assigned responsibility for the task).
Update ticket tasks Yes, requires TDNext access and access to the specific Ticketing application that contains the ticket NA


  • TeamDynamix 


Article ID: 139753
Fri 2/9/24 10:44 AM
Sat 2/10/24 1:11 AM
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