UM Xerox Managed Print costs

Managed Print Department costs for UM Campus Xerox printing and copying.

Detailed Information 

Effective May 1st, 2024 the UM Campus Business Office will centralize all printing costs to simplify the budgeting and management of Xerox billing. To facilitate this transition, you will notice a change in the “Charge to Share account” selection when printing.

  • Moving forward, there will be three distinct departments for expense allocation:
  1. Faculty and Staff
    • This category includes all faculty and staff members across the campus
    • UMS05\UM Employee Print & Copy (5000156-00-58401-xxxxxxx)
  2. Student Employees
    • This designation applies to undergraduate and graduate students employed by the University or its various units
    • UMS05\UM Student Employee Print & Copy (5000156-00-58402-xxxxxxx)
  3. Research
    • Reserved for staff or students who receive full or partial compensation from soft-funded research projects
    • UMS05\UM Research Print & Copy (5000156-00-58403-xxxxxxx)
  • While most users will see only one additional department added, a few employees may have multiple departments added based on their roles and responsibilities, particularly concerning grants and contracts.
    • Research should only be selected for printing costs related to grants or contracts.
    • Otherwise, for all other printing expenses, either UM Employee Print & Copy or UM Student Employee Print & Copy should be selected. 
  • Older departmental options will be phased out starting July 1st
    • We are retaining these options temporarily to ensure uninterrupted printing access.
    • As of May 1st, an older department should only be used if you do not have access to one of the three new departments.
      • If you do have access to a new department, you must choose the appropriate department for expense charging.
      • If you have access to one of the new departments, it should be the sole selection for printing expenses.
  • If you select the wrong account, please:
    • email your departmental financial manager using the subject “Printing Correction.” Kole McBreairty ( in the Campus Business Office will work with your unit financial manager to process a correction where necessary.
      • In the email you must include the department number you charged to, you do not need to provide amounts or any other information.

For additional information, please reach out to your unit financial manager who will have received a communication with more details. 


  • Managed Print Services charges for UM campus.
Print Article


Article ID: 139964
Wed 5/1/24 4:09 PM
Fri 6/28/24 11:21 AM
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