Personalize your MaineStreet Experience

Following are some examples of how to personalize your experience in MaineStreet 9.2.
NOTE: you must have the correct role in CS enabled in order to use this functionality.

Detailed Information 

Control your choice of Primary Homepage

When you first log into MaineStreet, or when you click on the Home Icon  Home Icon , you will be presented with a Homepage. You can define which is your primary Homepage by following these simple steps. 

1. Click on the three dots and then Personalize Homepage 

More dots menu dialogue box. Select personalize homepage

2. Select a Homepage from the Menu

Homepage options menu

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Add a component to your Homepage

If you use a component on a regular basis and don't want to click on a tile or navigate to it using the Navigator icon, you can add it as a tile on your Homepage. This new tile will only display on your Homepage and not effect anyone else's.

  1. Navigate to the component you would like to add to your Homepage. 
  2. Click on the three dots and select Add to Homepage
    More dots menu dialogue box. Select personalize homepage

  3. Select the Add Tile Button

    Add Tile Button

  4. Choose the Tile you want to add  by selecting a tile on the menu or searching for one is the search box

    Add Tile Menu

  5. Homepage after, with the new tile added

    homepage before Image Now was added

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Delete a Tile you added to your Homepage

To delete a tile you added to your Homepage, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Homepage you want to update.

     Homepage you want to update

  2. Click on the three dots and select Personalize Homepage

      More dots menu dialogue box. Select personalize homepage

  3. Click on the trash can in the top right corner of the tile you would like to delete. 

  4. Click the Save button.

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Order the tiles on your Homepage

Users also have the ability to order the tiles that appear on their Homepage. This may be useful if there are one or two particular tiles you use on a regular basis and want them to appear first on the page. In this case we will move the Campus Data Entry tile to the first spot.

  1. Navigate to the Homepage you want to update. 
     Homepage you want to update

  2. Click on the three dots and select Personalize Homepage 

    More dots dialogue box. Select Personalize Homepage

  3. Select any Tile and drag it to you location of choice.

      tiles to choose from to move

  4. Click the Save button. The tiles will now appear in the order you have chosen on your Homepage. 

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Add a component to your NavBar 

In some cases you may want quick access to a component but do not want it to appear as a tile on your Homepage.
One option is to add it to your NavBar.NavBar Icon

  1. To add to your NavBar, navigate to the component you want to save. 

  2. Click on the three dots and select Add to NavBar 

    NavBar Gearbox Icon

  3. The Pesonalize menu for the NavBar will pop up..

      CSPRD NavBar Personalize Menu

  4. Select the Add "+" Button on the right side oof the NavBar Tiles Line and choose  the Tile you want to add and select Save.

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Remove a component from your NavBar 

To delete a component you added to your NavBar, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the NavBar icon NavBar Icon

    NavBar Menu

  2. Click on the Settings gearbox icon NavBar Gearbox Icon
  3. Click on the Trash Can next to the component you want to remove. 

    NavBar components with Trash Can icon
  4. Click on the Done button. Note, Items disply aphabeticall by default, yoou can select the Standard  button and reorder the items in this list by dragging and dropping in the order you would like them to display. 

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Add, Delete, Rename or Reorder a component on your My Favorites List

Another option for saving components you use on a regular basis is to save them to your My Favorites list.

  1. ITo add to your My Favorites, navigate to the component you want to save. 

  2. Select the Favorites Icon  to Add to Favorites.

    Add Item to the Favorites Menu

  3. Select Edit Favorites

    CSPRD Nav Bar Edit Favorites

  4. You can add, delte, rename and reorder your Favorites List, remeber to Save your chenges.

    Nav Bar Edit Favorites Menu

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  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

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Article ID: 158654
Fri 5/10/24 4:20 AM
Mon 7/22/24 9:55 AM
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