ADDRESSES - Address Type

This Table includes Institutional Student Physical Address detail

Detailed Information


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD and Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT


Key Field Record.Fieldname Format XLAT Heading Text Notes
Key ADDRESS1 - Address Line 1 Char55   Address 1  
  ADDRESS1_AC - Alternate Character Address Char55   AC Address 1  
  ADDRESS2 - Address Line 2 Char55   Address 2  
  ADDRESS2_AC - Alternate Character Address 2 Char55   AC Address 2  
  ADDRESS3 - Address Line 3 Char55   Address 3  
  ADDRESS3_AC - Alternate Character Address 3 Char55   AC Address 3  
  ADDRESS4 - Address Line 4 Char55   Address 4  
Key ADDRESS_TYPE - Address Type Char4   Addr Type

The list of ADDRESS_TYPE is in ADDRESS_TYP_TBL - Address Type Table. The ADDRESS_TYPE='RESH' indicates residence hall address. 

  ADDR_FIELD1 - Address Field 1 Char2 N Address Field 1  
  ADDR_FIELD2 - Address Field 2 Char4   Address Field 2  
  ADDR_FIELD3 - Address Field 3 Char4   Address Field 3  
Key CITY - City Char30   City  
  CITY_AC - Alternate Character City Char30   AC City  
  COUNTRY - Country Char3   Country  
  COUNTY - County Char30   County  
Key EFFDT - Effective Date Date   Eff Date  
Key EFF_STATUS - Status as of Effective Date Char1 N Status  
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11   ID  
  GEO_CODE - Tax Vendor Geographical Code Char11   Geo Code  
  HOUSE_TYPE - House Type Char2 N House  
  IN_CITY_LIMIT - In City Limit Char1   In Cty Lmt  
Key LASTUPDDTTM - Last Update Date/Time DateTm   Last Upd DtTm  
Key LASTUPDOPRID - by Char30   by  
  NUM1 - Number 1 Char6   Nbr 1  
  NUM2 - Number 2 Char6   Nbr 2  
Key POSTAL - Postal Code Char12   Postal  
  REG_REGION - Regulatory Region Char5   Reg Region  
Key STATE - State Char6   State  

Hierarchy for address type

The following case statement can be used to create a hierarchy for reporting addresses in UM_STUD_EXTRACT

Expression Notes

'LOCL', 1,'RESH', 2,'HOME', 3,'BILL', 4,'MAIL', 5,'CHK', 6,'BUSN', 7,'CAMP', 8,9) 

Use Expression to the left, then subquery for expression,
set expression as field to min. and Eff Status to "A"

The new logic has been applied in May 2023. Please go to New address type hierarchy in UM_STUD_EXTRACT page for more information.

Here is an example public query in CSRPT so you can see how it is used: UM_OSR_CURR_STUDENTS_BY_PLAN


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

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Article ID: 158804
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Fri 9/6/24 11:53 AM
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