RESIDENCY_OFF - Official Residency Data

WARNING: Field Name Definitions are Linked to the UMS Data Cookbook - this requires a University of Maine System ID and password

This Table includes The Student Official Residency Status the informs Tuition Cost and Financial Aid

Detailed Information


  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions CSPRD 
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Reporting CSRPT

See Student Tuition Residency for more information.

Key Record.Fieldname Format Heading Text
Key ACAD_CAREER - Academic Career Char4 Career
  ADMISSION_EXCPT - Admission Residency Exception Char5 Adm Excpt
  ADMISSION_RES - Admissions Residency Char5 Admissions
  CITY - City Char30 City
  COMMENTS - Comment Text Comment
  COUNTRY - Country Char3 Country
  COUNTY - County Char30 County
Key EFFECTIVE_TERM - Effective Term Char4 Effective
Key EMPLID - Empl ID Char11 ID
  FIN_AID_FED_EXCPT - Fin Aid Fed Residency Excpt Char5 FA Fed Exc
  FIN_AID_FED_RES - Fin Aid Federal Residency Char5 FinAid Fed
  FIN_AID_ST_EXCPT - Fin Aid St Residency Excpt Char5 FA St Excp
  FIN_AID_ST_RES - Fin Aid State Residency Char5 FA St Excp
Key INSTITUTION - Academic Institution Char5 Institution
  POSTAL - Postal Code Char12 Postal
  RESIDENCY - Residency Char5 Residency
  RESIDENCY_DT - Residency Date Date Res Date
  SCC_DISTRICT - District Char30 District
  STATE - State Char6 State
  TUITION_EXCPT - Tuition Residency Exception Char5 Tuit Excpt
  TUITION_RES - Tuition Residency Char5 Tuition
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Article ID: 158841
Fri 5/10/24 4:26 AM
Wed 8/21/24 10:06 AM
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