How to Install Microsoft Remote Desktop Client on Windows (Faculty/Staff) to Access a Campus Windows Computer

These instructions are for users who need to access their Windows computer that is on campus from a Windows computer that is off campus. It assumes they are already connected to the Remote Access VPN.  (See How to Connect Remotely using the Remote Access VPN (Staff/Faculty)) It also assumes Remote Desktop has been enabled on the computer the user will connect to remotely, which can be done by going to Software Center and installing "UMS Enable Remote Desktop". 


  1. Ensure the VPN is Connected.
  2. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop.
  3. Search for Microsoft Store in the Search Bar.
    • Search bar is located in the lower left hand corner of your desktop screen, you will see a magnifying glass icon and text "Type here to search"
  4. In the search results click Microsoft Store
  5. After Microsoft Store opens, in the upper right corner enter search for Microsoft Remote Desktop.
  6. Select the Microsoft Remote Desktop App
    •  Don't select the one that says Preview.
  7. A new panel will open. Click the "Get" button.
  8. Wait for the application to download and install.
  9. When the install finishes, click the "Launch" button.

Configure the Remote Desktop Connection

  1. Once Microsoft Remote Desktop opens, Click the "Add" button in the upper right corner.
  2. Under "Choose what to add" menu that appears, click "Desktop".
  3. Fill in the hostname for the PC will connect to remotely.
    • For computers in UAD it will be the Serial #.
    • for the Display name: Fill in a friendly name that will help you identify it.
  4. Click the Save button
  5. Connect to the remote PC. Click on the PC with the friendly name for the connection just configured.
  6. Authenticate when prompted with the username and password for the remote PC, although ensure to put "uad\" in front of the username.
    • The remote computer's desktop will appear on the local computer, usually in full screen mode.
To exit full screen you can press Ctrl + Alt + Break on a Desktop computer or Ctrl + Alt +Fn + B on a laptop computer.


Web enabled, VPN connected WIN10 PC desktop or laptop.

Steps-to-take if this does not work

  1. Ensure the Windows PC is connected to the Remote Access VPN.
  2. Ensure the Desktop Computer that you're trying to connect to has Remote Desktop enabled and is turned on.
  3. Contact IT Support or submit an email to
    • Information that will be needed: whether the computer user is connecting from is University-owned or non-University owned
    • Operating System and version (How to find Windows version)
    • Serial #/hostname of computer that is trying to connect to remotely
    • User account ( account) experiencing problem
    • ....any other specifics necessary to the nature of this problem
Remote Desktop Client App Links

Client for Windows 10
Client for Android