Department Shared Account user receives an "insufficient funds" error when trying to release a job at a printer

Tags Xerox

Shared Accounts in PaperCut are used to charge Departments for printing. If you receive an insufficient fund error, you may have accidentally charged the job to a Personal Account that has insufficient funds or did not select the Shared Account to charge the job to before releasing the job.


INFO: Users on University-managed devices can prevent this issue by selecting the Shared Account to charge in the PaperCut Client pop-up before going to the printer. In the Advanced Account Selection pop-up, there is also a check box at the bottom you can check to have all the print jobs currently in your queue charge to the selected account. See Selecting Department Account to charge in PaperCut Advanced Account selection pop-up.

To select a Shared Account when releasing at the printer:

  1. Log in to the printer's display console with UMS credentials (or tap your ID Card)
  2. Press Print Release
  3. Press the > (greater than/arrow) to the left of the job to be released
  4. Press the pencil icon next to Account in the job details and select the appropriate Shared Account
  5. Click Print


  • PaperCut MF
  • Xerox


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Article ID: 138983
Fri 1/20/23 1:24 PM
Tue 5/23/23 12:21 PM
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