Information Technology

Categories (8)

Teaching and Learning

Brightspace, classroom technology, instructional technology, assessment and learning analytics, lecture capture, and polling and surveys.

Communication and Collaboration

Conferencing and telephones, Gmail and Google, OneDrive, Zoom, Wordpress, video streaming, media and web services and other collaboration tools.

Desktop and Mobile Computing

Computer and Mobile device purchase and support, device loaning, printers/copiers, and individually licensed software.

Administrative and Business

MaineStreet (Finance, Student Records, HR), Card access, Reslife, Facilities, Data and Reporting, Library systems, Advising, and other supporting operations.

IT Professional Services

Project Management, Digital Accessibility, Training, General IT Procurement, IT Planning, and other IT consulting services.


Wifi and networking, data center, enterprise database management, systems monitoring, integrations, servers and enterprise storage.

Information Security (UMS) ID and password, and security consulting, education, incident response, investigation, policy and compliance.


Support of the institution's research activities, advanced or specialized storage and applications, research data services and software, and research lab management systems.