How Do I Enroll in Multi-factor Authentication using the Duo Mobile App on my Android device?

Tags Duo MFA

These directions will guide you through activating UMS MFA on your Android smart device.


  1. On your smart device or phone: Download the Duo Mobile Application from the Google Play Store
  2. Using a computer: Visit and select "Manage multi-factor authentication"
  3. If required, authenticate using your UMS account
  4. When prompted, select the "Enroll" button
  5. At the "Protect your University of Maine System Account", click "Start Setup"
  6. When asked "What type of device are you adding?" -- Choose "Tablet"
  1. When asked "What type of tablet are you adding?" -- Chose "Android"
  2. Select "I have the Duo Moble App Installed"
  3. Launch the Duo Mobile application, and select "Setup Account"
  4. Follow the on-screen directions to activate your mobile application
  5. When your device is activated, a green check will appear on the screen
  6. Click "Continue"
  7. During the early adoption period after you complete these steps there is an internal manual step before MFA is fully active on your account. 


  • Duo Multi-factor Authentication
  • Android Smart Device


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